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Do you teach French in the Detroit area?

It is a challenge to find books in French, and especially the advice to choose them well!
The Caribou is there to guide you!

Do you have a specific topic to discuss?
We will choose books that are suitable for your learning goals.
Even better: the Caribou books also spark the pleasure of reading!

When you teach French as a second language, it is a challenge to find books that will suit both the age AND the level of your students. It's even better if you add the little extra that creates interest and makes French attractive. Discouraged? Don't be: you will discover these gems at the Caribou à lunettes library!

What can we find?


Picture books, non-fiction, first readers, graphic novels, chapter books, comics, mangas, magazines.
Classics and recent releases from various French-speaking publishers.

More than 4,000 titles to discover!
And the catalog is constantly growing!

Who is it for?


For toddlers to teens
For French-speaking children
For those for whom French is a growing additional language
And even for adults who are fans of YA literature or who are learning French

Become a member of the Caribou à lunettes library
and access more than 4,000 children's books and magazines
AND personalized advice.

Gain efficiency and increase your impact on your students with modern and diverse documents.

Online catalog

Annual Subscription

• Borrow 10 books each month.
• Renew them for a second one if they have fans!
• Need help to choose? We will guide you.
Walk away with at least one classroom workshop idea.
• Choose a poster for your classroom.
• Want to buy your favorite books? You have 10% discount on the order placed the month of your subscription. (excluding shipping fees)

One visit per month is the equivalent of $200 in reading, or 120 books read for the 9 months of the school year, a value of $1800!

Do you want to prepare for the start of the school year? Get an extra month for free!

+Deposit $100


I subscribe on site

Monthly Subscription

A specific need? A special project? You can also opt for a monthly subscription.

• Borrow 10 books for one month. (a value of over $200)
• Need help to choose the books? We are always here to guide you.
Walk away with at least one classroom workshop idea.
• Want to buy your favorite books? You have 10% discount on the order placed the month of your subscription.(exluding shipping fees)

+Deposit $100


I subscribe on site

How does it work?

Library Terms of use
On a milk carton, it's the part with the fine print that gives the ingredients and nutritional values.
Not always attractive, and yet so informative!