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Laurent, c'est moi!

Stéphanie Deslauriers, Geneviève Després


ISBN 9782923813912

Laurent has a wealth of knowledge about plants, he is good at math and he likes to call things by their real names. But his singular behavior sometimes gives him a hard time with his classmates. Could the end of the year outing at the Botanical Garden allow Laurent to be seen differently?

A picture book that delves into the daily life of an autistic boy in a frank and sensitive way.

Ages 5 and up

Je sens la grosse boule monter dans ma gorge. Je n'arrive pas à la faire redescendre même si je prends de grandes respirations.
Personne ne me comprend. PERSONNE!
J'en ai marre d'être un enfant. Je veux me réveiller et être un adulte pour pouvoir tout décider, tout contrôler, bon.

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