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Éli: comprendre la dépression à l'adolescence

Stéphanie Deslauriers

Midi Trente

ISBN 9782923827872

My name is Éli, I am 15 years old and for the past few weeks I have struggled to see life in a positive light. My grades have melted, my social relationships have crumbled, and my energy is at an all-time low. I wasn't sure what was happening to me until I was diagnosed with depression. I'm better now, but I still have a way to go.

The word "depression" may sound scary, but I have found that it is very important to talk about it. So I decided to create this blog. So you know other people have been there as well. Who knows, maybe you will find anecdotes in which you will recognize yourself. Or situations that will make you think of those that you or a loved one went through. What matters to me is that you go get the support you need, take care of yourself and get your (real) smile back!

Ages 12 and up

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Looking for support for a different challenge?
The series Perso from Éditions Midi Trente offers several guides for teens.