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Rosa Parks

Lisbeth Kaiser, Marta Antelo

La courte échelle

ISBN 9782897741457

As a child, Rosa Parks was already sensitive to the injustices Black people suffered in the southern United States. While White people took the bus to their big school, she had to walk miles to get to her tiny one. The calm but determined woman gained fame for refusing to give up her seat to a white man on the bus, as the law of the day required. His gesture served as the trigger for a large-scale movement: the Montgomery bus boycott. Rosa Parks is an important figure in the fight against racial segregation in public places.

Have a look at the book here.

L'esclavage était chose du passé, mais la vie restait difficile pour Rosa et sa famille. Les Noirs étaient très mal traités. On prétendait qu'ils n'étaient pas les égaux des Blancs.

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Rosa Parks moved to Detroit in 1957, after her arrest in Alabama. His brother already lived there. The city was considered progressive, but Rosa discovered that equality was far from achieved and continued to fight against segregation. The Bus no. 2857 she was pulled out from is on display at the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, MI.

Mural - Eastern Market, Detroit