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Tome 1

Timothée de Fombelle

Gallimard Jeunesse


1786. The day her little brother disappears, Alma sets out in his footsteps, far from her family and the valley of Africa which protected them from the rest of the world. At the same time, in the port of Lisbon, Joseph Mars slips clandestinely aboard a trading ship, La Douce Amélie. He is looking for a huge treasure. In the whirlwind of the Atlantic, between Africa, Europe and the Caribbean, their quests and their destinies lead them irresistibly towards each other.

Chez les Oko, le mot «alma» signifie «libre». Mais ce genre de liberté n’existe dans aucune autre langue. C’est un mot rare, une liberté imprenable, une liberté qui remplit l’être pour toujours. Le père d’Alma raconte que chez lui, ce nom pourrait se dire "marquée au fer rouge de la liberté".
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Timothée de Fombelle grew up in Africa.
"Alma" is a story he always wanted to tell.