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Albertine Petit-Brindamour déteste les choux de Bruxelles

Anne Renaud, Élodie Duhameau

La courte échelle

ISBN 9782897743215

What if eating Brussels sprouts could give you a superpower?

Albertine loves to make lists of the things she loves: her favorite words, her favorite foods, the superpowers she dreams of having. But there's one thing you won't find on any of Albertine's lists: the horrible Brussels sprouts! Albertine HATES them!!! Only one thing could change her mind: that they can give her a superpower!

A humorous album featuring Brussels sprouts, those little vegetables that are too often unloved.

From 4 years old

Finalist for the 2022 Prix des libraires du Québec in the 0-5 year-old category.

Browse the story here.

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