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Pilleurs de rêves

Cherie Dimaline


ISBN 9782764625774

In a ravaged world that is running to ruin, human beings have lost the ability to dream. Only the Indigenous peoples have been able to preserve this faculty, the secret of which lies in the marrow of their bones.

Frenchie, a young Métis, flees the city to escape the desperate men who hunt down the Aboriginals like animals in order to obtain the precious substance. Already, his family has fallen into their hands.

Alongside his traveling companions, Frenchie progresses north to win the land of her ancestors and ensure the survival of his own.

With Pilleurs de rêves, Cherie Dimaline creates a dystopian worrying world, which is however not completely foreign to us. She manages to weave disturbing links between this fictional universe and the world we live in, presenting a powerful allegory of colonialism in North America.

For skilled and discerned reader, 16 yo +

2017 Governor General’s Literary Awards - Youth Literature

Read an extract.

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