Canton, 1770.
Shi Yu never knew her parents. At the age of six, she works for the innkeeper Bai Bai, who never spares insults and lashes.
One day, at the inn, she meets Li Wei, a young man expert in martial arts. Yu convinces him to teach her how to fight: the young girl's talent is immediately apparent. When, a few years later, she is kidnapped by pirates from the crew of the terrible Golden Dragon, it's her fighting skills that save her life: instead of killing her, the Golden Dragon hires her into the crew.
This marked the beginning of Yu's rise in the world of piracy. At the age of nineteen, she becomes commander of an entire fleet. Her name terrorizes the China Sea, her strength seems inexorable... But her extraordinary fame has created an enemy as powerful as it is mysterious, who will do anything to destroy Air and Water wushu, the legendary martial arts style of which the young girl has become the latest disciple.
From 11 years old
Winner, 2025 Quebec Booksellers Award, 12-17 years old (outside Québec)