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J'ai mal et pourtant, ça ne se voit pas...

Lucile de Pesloüan, Geneviève Darling

Editions de l'Isatis

ISBN 9782924769447

You can suffer from the inside and have no bruises on this outside. Difficult to imagine what is happening inside, to see the storm and the rockets that cross our thoughts. About twenty characters entrust here, in texts and images, a small moment of their distress with the daily life which continues, tirelessly, to turn around. An illustrated novel that tackles the theme of mental health in an intimate and uncompromising way with poetic and metaphorical illustrations that are completely rooted in reality.

This book is for everyone, both those who suffer from psychological challenges and who will recognize themselves in the characters, and those in good health who have difficulty understanding the reality of people in pain.

From 12 yo and up

Browse the book here.

Winner 2019 - Prix du livre jeunesse des bibliothèques de Montréal
Finalist 2019 - Prix Alvine-Bélisle
Finalist 2019 - Prix Espiègle

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