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GAFAM, le monstre à cinq têtes

Philippe Gendreau


ISBN 9782897198459

"It's like letting strangers into our house without an invitation."

Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, the GAFAMs reign over the digital empire where thousands of data are stored continuously to be sold to the highest bidder. For many years, teacher Philippe Gendreau has encouraged young people to reflect on the power exercised by these media technology giants in their daily lives and the impact they have on our modern democracies. Sellers of “livestock of humans”, the GAFAMs combine the traces that we leave online to build profiles of citizens that can be sold on this large data market. From their impact on the environment to the tricks they develop to hold us captive, the GAFAMs are scrutinized in this essential essay to equip young people, teachers and parents alike.

From 14 years old

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