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Envole-toi, Mikun

Moira-Uashteskun Bacon


ISBN 9782925118275

After her sister Nissi leaves, Mikun has no more bearings. Everything seems hostile to her: the big city, life at school and at home. The fifteen-year-old girl quickly comes to believe that by being less different, less Innu, she too will be able to experience friendship and the first stirrings of love. Between the quest for love and the quest for identity, Envole-toi, Mikun explores the heartbreaks.

Je dois aussi recoller les miettes qui flottent dans les airs. Seule, c’est difficile. Des morceaux se trouvent en communauté. D’autres sont restés coincés en ville. Certains sont égarés entre les deux.

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Finalist - 2024 Espiègle Award - Category 12-17 years old
Finalist - 2024 Governor General’s Literary Awards - Youth Literature (text)

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