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Derrière l'éclat de ton sourire

Sophie Gagnon-Roberge

Héritage Jeunesse - Unik

ISBN 9782898122514

Grieving, whatever it is, is always difficult. The teenager who confides here mourns the death of her brother, which occurred by suicide.

Denial, anger, abandonment. What to think, what to believe when you stay behind, without an answer? The road is long and slow, despite the light she tries to glimpse.

Sophie Gagnon-Roberge tackles this subject in a simple yet deep narrative poetry that stands out. The purpose is underlined by a layout that breathes and comes alive, unique to the Unik collection.

A very personal and vibrant work, built in fragments, in the emotions and their urgency that will speak to teenagers (and beyond).

À partir de 12 ans

Espiègle Award 2022 - Finalist

Tu as toujours été mon frère soleil.

Quand tu as éteint ta lumière,

Sans prévenir,

j’ai dû apprivoiser

le vertige créé par ton absence.

Je n’avais pas compris que tu étais

sur une étoile filante.

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